If you have built a Shiny app, you have some familiarity with the concept of reactivity. For the next two graphics-groups, we’ll talk about two alternatives to Shiny which also use reactivity:
- Dash, using Python
- Observable, using JavaScript
As examples, we’ll talk about how you can build the same app using all three tools. For the first session, we’ll discuss Shiny and Dash.
Here’s a reference I’m working on: https://ijlyttle.github.io/reactivity-three-ways-quarto/. If you like, you can have a read through the Shiny chapter to set the stage. We’ll focus on the Python chapter this Thursday.
As well, I have built an RStudio Cloud project that you can use on Thursday to try out the Dash app – all you would need to do is sign up for the free level of RStudio Cloud: https://rstudio.cloud/plans/free.